发布时间:2012-05-09 08:26:58
Repair Project Study
Vessel: MV SILA
Location: Zhanjiang, China
Problem description: There are a couple of cracks on the engine of No.2 Auxiliary generator. Ship owner expect to replace the old engine with a new one, and move engine out through skylight.
Quotation: We estimate that within 3 days, the job can be completed.
0900 lt ,9th April,vessel arrived at Zhanjiang anchorage.
1100 lt, 9th April,Our technical went on board, inspect and g***e our solution. We prefer to cut a hole in the No.2 cargo hold, which is more convenient and faster. Instead of owner’s solution, we can put equipment, accessories, etc in cargo hold, where we also can do welding, cutting, pre-repairing, etc.
1700 lt, 9th April,Ship owner confirmed our price, solution and send more RFQs for ***all repairing jobs.
0900 lt, 10th April,our team went on board again, cut the hole, railings and cleaned other accessories on the way in engine room. At the same time, we inspected other ***all repairing jobs and started to prepare.
1800 lt, 10th April, Vessel berthed, and the hole in the cargo hold was ready.
0900 lt, 11th April,our team went on board and began moving the old generator away, in order to let engine out and in. Meanwhile, we began repairing radar antenna, lifeboat fiber glass wall, and No.1 cargo crane hydraulic system; rewind a motor of sewage treatment plant, etc.
1800 lt, 11th April, we used the No.2 cargo crane to move new engine into the cargo hold. In the meantime, the old engine was moved out. Ship owner send one more RFQ for underwater cleaning. We sent quotation and confirmed by superintendent that night.
0900 lt, 12th April,underwater cleaning started. The new engine was expected to move into before 1200lt.
1400 lt, 12th April,we moved the new engine in and installed it.
1800 lt, 12th April, most of jobs finished except motor rewinding. In the meantime, owner asked us to arrange annual surveying of lifeboat, GMDSS, etc. Around 2000lt, owner confirmed our price for annual inspection.
0900 lt, 13th April, the surveyors for life boat and radio equipment were on board and started inspecting.
1400 lt, 13th April,all jobs completed and vessel prepared to depart to anchorage.
1800 lt, 13th April, vessel departed.
1400 lt, 14th April, our jobs satisfied NK class surveyor and vessel, then signed, stamped and finished.
Bill Jia(Mr)
We are repairing,supplying,trading...
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Tel: +86-21-51699732
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Web: www.ijinmarine.net
Add: 2-603,Lane 138,Rushan Road,Shanghai,200120,China
***: 66895009
Skype: bill.jia
Msn: billzjia@hotmail.com
Shipserv TradeNet:201579
Register No: 1626036
Certificate/VAT No: 58610100-000-07-11-4
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